Mom Summer Snack Hacks
A kid’s taste pallet is finicky, and if you have multiple kids, their ideal snacks are rarely the same. This can make picking out snacks a nightmare, especially during the summer when kids are home all day.
It’s a hard life catering to the never-ending appetite of kids, and the only way to do it without pulling your hair out daily is to be well-prepared.
The snack hacks below have been put together in order to help you tackle summer. This way, you can try to enjoy summer as much as your kids without having to worry about what they are going to eat or how you’re going to find the time to feed them.
Make Your Own Popsicles
In the hot summer months, there’s almost nothing a kid prefers to snack on more than a popsicle. Rather than spending almost $10 on a box of 12 popsicles that probably aren’t that healthy, why not just make your own!
There are so many different ways to make healthy popsicles. One of the best flavors you’ve never heard of? Cucumber mint. All you need to make them are popsicle molds, sticks, and a blender or food processor.
Forget your mother’s guilt over processed sugar…this is an easy way to use natural ingredients to make a household favorite!
Establish a Snack Site
This may seem obvious but designating a snack site for the summer is a great way to get kids to eat healthy without having to force feed vegetables to them.
If you leave out fruits and vegetables in the same spot every day, then kids are more likely to grab them when they walk by or go there when they are hungry. Each morning, make a plate of assorted fruits and vegetables, put it in a safe spot that the kids will go near, and watch to see what happens. Better yet, they don’t have to ask you every time they want a snack. They’ll already know where to go.
Organize Your Fridge
Is there anything worse than having to search for that one ingredient you know you have but cannot find? The longer you search, the hungrier the kiddos seem to get.
That’s why it’s extremely important to make sure your refrigerator stays well organized during the dog days of summer. Stack up on Tupperware, organize your refrigerator drawers and label when needed. Try and pre-wash your fruits and veggies so the kids can easily grab a handful of grapes without making a mess.
Trail Mixes
Trail mix is a great snack and it can be a super affordable snack if you’re willing to take the time to combine the different ingredients yourself. It’s also a great way to sneak healthier food to your kids.
There are a number of recipes for trail mix so don’t feel like you have to stick to just pretzels, nuts, and raisins. Spice things up with a spiced nut recipe or indulge a love for sweet and salty with pumpkin seeds and candied pecans. Find out what your kids like by trying out mixes with dried bananas, cranberries or coconut chips. Trail mix is the perfect road trip snack or energy boost for your family while spending a day at the pool.
Large Pitcher of Juice Each Morning
Start each day by preparing your kids a large pitcher of juice and leave it in the refrigerator. This is a great way to know your kids will stay hydrated, without costing you too much or putting them on a juice box sugar high.
The best part is that your kids will know where to find juice whenever they get thirsty, so you won’t have to stop what you’re doing to pour them a glass.
Have DIY Kid Friendly Snacks Available
One of the best ways for you to decrease how much time you take preparing snacks is to pick snacks that your kids can help you make and, eventually, they will be able to prepare the snack themselves.
Celery sticks or bananas with JIF peanut butter to go cups or a cheese and ham roll – up.
Summer snacks are essential for any mom, but don’t let them stress you out. Just stick to some basic tips, so that you don’t get overwhelmed and, on occasion, make sure you have some snacks that you like as well—kids shouldn’t be the only one who enjoys an energizing treat on a warm summer’s day.