How To Wash Your Swimsuit And Other Swimwear Care Tips

By: Barbara’s New Beginnings


Days of sunshine and swimsuits are upon us. Whether at a pool, beach, lake, or park, simply being in your swimsuit can be a highlight of the summer. As you know, swimsuits aren’t cheap, and you want to be sure to take great care of your favorite swimsuit (after all, finding that perfect suit was daunting)!


Because swimwear is made from types of materials (think Spandex) that can react badly to hot tub chemicals or the heat of the sun, proper care is essential. The fabric that makes them cling just right to your body makes them vulnerable to heat and harsh chemicals.


There’s enough stress in your life these days, so please don’t stress about how to wash your swimsuit after a day in the sun. Follow these swimmingly easy steps, and you’re sure to keep that suit fresh for at least a couple of seasons.


Rinse! The minute you’re done in the water and sun, rinse that suit in cool or lukewarm water. Sunblock and your body’s oils can do damage, as well as chlorine and other chemicals used to treat hot tubs and pools.


Hand Wash. The washing machine should be your last-ditch choice for cleaning your suit as it’s hard on the cups, ties, and padding. Too many times through the washing machine will leave your swimsuit sagging in all the wrong places. Avoid hot water when washing your suit. Lukewarm or cool water is the better choice.


Hand Soap. Try washing your suit with mild hand soap. A detergent meant for delicates is okay, too. But remember, after sudsing your suit up, rinse it thoroughly. You can spot an unrinsed soapy suit in a hot tub in no time. Don’t be that person.


Don’t Drip Dry. Hanging a swimsuit to dry (especially by the ties) can stretch it out. Instead, lay the suit out on a towel, roll the towel up and squeeze gently. Now you can lay your swimsuit out to dry — but not in direct sunshine, or your colors will quickly fade. Just say NO to the dryer.


Swap Your Suits. If you’re in the water often, consider rotating your suits, so the Spandex in your suit has a full day to recuperate and get back to normal after you’ve properly hand-washed it. For all you hot tubbers, pick your cheapest suit and dedicate it solely to hot tub fun. And when that suit wears out, there’s always your birthday suit!


Vinegar. Soak your brand-new suit for 30-minutes in a vinegar and water mixture (one tablespoon white vinegar per quart of water). This tip should prevent dye from bleeding from your new suit. It’s an excellent tip for hot-tubbers, too.


Save Your Tush. How many of you have snagged your bottom when sitting on the side of the pool or on the starting blocks after a workout? To avoid that frustration, carry a towel with you or wrap a sarong around your waist. Nobody likes a fuzzy bottom.


Still Suit Shopping? Barbara’s New Beginnings carries cup-sized swimwear (from A to K cup) year-round, and dress-sized swimwear to size 32. Stop into Barbara’s New Beginnings in Fort Wayne or Indianapolis to find your perfect suit so you can get out and enjoy the summer sun. The water is calling, you must go.


Find the swimsuit for you at Barbara’s New Beginnings. Stop in to our locations in Fort Wayne or Indianapolis to shop today to find cup-sized and dress-sized swimwear!

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