Snow Day Hacks

It’s snow day season! And although the kids may be thrilled, as a mom, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Here are some fun hacks to help keep your kids warm and occupied during the frigid, cold days at home!

1. Every kid loves a good snow ice cream treat. An easy and fun thing to do with your kids is to make this delicious treat. Try one of these five different snow ice cream recipes!

2. Keep your kids’ shoes dry if they plan on going outside with no snow shoes with wax! You can waterproof canvas shoes with wax with this recipe here.

3. To keep wet boots and shoes from dirtying up your floors, create a pebble boot tray for your children to place their shoes on after playing outside.

4. Or you can dry any wet shoes with Microfiber towels after the kids come back from playing outside.

5. You can cut out wool in the shape of your shoe soles and place them into snow boots and shoes to keep your little ones’ feet warm while playing outside.

6. Catch snowflakes with dark construction paper and have your kids bring them inside to save them in the freezer… a fun easy activity to get your kids to marvel at the weather!

7 Take your snowman to the next level by painting him! Make sure you use temperas or finger paints when painting him because it will be much easier to apply.

8. Create some homemade hand warmers for your kids to put in their winter coat pockets while playing outside with these DIY instructions.

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